Huddling-Up for Women's History Month: With Terrand Smith

Huddling-Up for Women's History Month: With Terrand Smith

Meet Supermom Terrand Smith and her little Supergirl - Yael… whom i was blessed to have be a part of The Women’s History Stop on THE b3GOOD TOUR. After the shoot, i asked Terran why International Women’s History Month was important to her… and here is what she had to say.

Habakkuk 2:3 

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.” 

I have become even more driven by this scripture as I’ve grown as a woman, a single mother and as an entrepreneur. 

The vision I have does not stop at Terrand. I’ve learned each day, to plant seeds, and continuously water them. You don’t eat the fruit the same day you plant the seed. It takes time and seasons. 

So yes, there will be some fruit I eat while I’m on this earth. There will also be fruit my daughter (and her generation) eats from the seeds I’ve planted.

Although my parents, grandparents and ancestors paved the way for me to have a post graduate degree, worked at Fortune 50 companies and traveled the world, there is still so much more that is needed for women, especially black women, to get the respect and access that is ours. And unfortunately, it won’t be given to us. 

Black Women Make 63 Cents For Every Dollar Paid To White Men

Black Women Make $21,698 Less Per Year On Average Than White Male Peers

Black Women Must Work 219 Days Into 2018 To Achieve Equal Pay

We, as a group, have not yet “made it”. With each generation, we get better, we get stronger, we get further, but that’s only because of those that came before us and pushed for our progress- despite what boxes they were put in or what obstacles they faced. There is nothing simple or easy about doing this, but “Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”

One of my favorite stories to tell is when I was picking up my daughter, Yael, from school and was running late. One of her teachers said “Maybe your mom is late because her boss had her do more work” . Yael said  “My mommy IS the boss” .

That made me feel amazing, because without her even knowing it, I have planted a seed that she was watering with her words. That it is not only an option for her to own, create and lead, but it’s in her destiny. 

I work hard at 37 Oaks Consulting. It’s not just my business , but it’s my seed. 


to learn more about Terrand… you can follow her on Instagram @37Oaks or Facebook @37Oaks or Terrand Smith on LinkedIn or visit her on the world wide web @

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