Spread a Little Christmas Joy

Spread a Little Christmas Joy

On Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 - nbmg was live @ 38th Street - as the servants of GOD from the Apostolic Faith Church went out into their surrounding community to "spread a little Christmas Joy." Neighbors were treated to some of their favorite Christmas Carols, as various caroling teams occupied multiple locations throughout the community, provoking all to remember the reason for the season.

Later in the evening, the Annual Christmas Concert brought many out to enjoy some anointed tunes - sung by the World Renowned Apostolic Faith Church Praise and Worship Choir.  Most attendees came with a toy in tote to be distributed on Christmas Day because as tradition has it, the church busses in families from various shelters throughout the city to enjoy a Christmas Dinner, receive Christmas Gifts, and to ensure that everyone has a coat and other warm clothing for the winter.

Huddling-Up For Black History Month: With The Cunningham Family

Huddling-Up For Black History Month: With The Cunningham Family

Bishop Smith's Birthday @ AFC

Bishop Smith's Birthday @ AFC